Tax Payment Services are available through Internet Banking, Mobile Banking SOL, Firm Banking (Host to Host), and Branches.
For payment of three types of Tax Bills as follows:
In connection with the implementation of the development of the MPN G3 Service by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with letter number S-159/PB.8/2023 then starting January 24 2024 the following changes apply:
Changes to detailed tax data/data elements of Proof of State Revenue (BPN or tax e-slip) for the DJP Billing type:
DJP Billing payment transactions that were successful before January 24 2024 still use the old BPN/e-slip format (before changes).
There are no changes to DJBC Billing (Dirjen Bea Cukai)
Detailed tax data/ Proof of State Revenue data elements (BPN or tax e-slip) remain the same: