On August 19, 2018 in Jakart, Shinhan Bank held a social activity which is its CSR program.
Shinhan Bank Co. Ltd. (Shinhan Bank) provides donation for the victims of earthquake in Lombok and its surroundings (West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Indonesia) through the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Rp1,000,000,000 (one billion Rupiah).
Donations will be given directly by the President & CEO of Shinhan Bank, Wi Sung Ho to the General Secretary of PMI, Ritola Tasmaya at The Ritz Carlton, Jakarta, August 19, 2018.
"This donation is a manifestation of concern from Shinhan Bank, along with all Shinhan Bank employees who also generously contributed or donated to Earthquake Victims in Lombok and its surroundings" said CEO of Shinhan Bank, Wi Sung Ho.
In addition to helping the disaster victims, donation is also prepared for re-building the infrastructures, such as residential, buildings, public and social facilities that were collapsed or damaged by the earthquake in Lombok and its surroundings (NTB, Indonesia).
It is expected, this aid may ease the burden of the people of Lombok-NTB affected the Natural Disasters.